PODLAHY OVĚŘENÉ ČASEM! Since 1994. RODINNÁ firma. Profesionalita, kvalita, to nejlepší! / BEZBARIÉROVÉ domy a byty, žádné přechodové lišty ani dilatační mezery, žádné dlažby ve sprše! / NOVINKA: KOMPOZITNÍ RIGIDNÍ vinylové podlahy ParkettWorld! Teplé, měkké, voděodolné, 150m2 bez přechodových lišt, protizvukové. / Prestižní prémiové dřevěné parkety ParkettWorld s voděodolným povrchem! Děláme z podlah a parket schody, dveře, stoly atd. ve stejné barvě! / HORMANN dveře a zárubně nejlepší ceny! / Oficiální importér COREtec a VETEDY Česko, Slovensko a Maďarsko!

Barrier-free apartment or house. COREtec offers up to 400 m2 without expansion gaps between rooms


COREtec composite vinyl flooring means it is a blend of 50% stone and 50% virgin vinyl. Stone means stability of up to 400 m2 without transition strips and thresholds, and virgin vinyl means a healthy interior because it does not contain any plasticizers, solvents, phthalates, lead, etc.

Vinylova podlaha Imperial 1207 z chodby bez prechodovej listy do sprchy

Our COREtec floor is also suitable for bathrooms, etc. You get one fantastic benefit: you have a uniform floor in all rooms, that is, you have the same thickness, the same temperature of the floor, the same maintenance structure throughout the house or apartment. No barrier apartment or house is easy to vacuum or wash with a mop, there is no transition bar or threshold anywhere, you will not trip anywhere, dirt does not stick there. Our COREtec floor is warm and soft, and when you have it in the bathroom, you will never feel the cold feeling on your feet, like when you walk on pavement.





