PODLAHY OVĚŘENÉ ČASEM! Since 1994. RODINNÁ firma. Profesionalita, kvalita, to nejlepší! / BEZBARIÉROVÉ domy a byty, žádné přechodové lišty ani dilatační mezery, žádné dlažby ve sprše! / NOVINKA: KOMPOZITNÍ RIGIDNÍ vinylové podlahy ParkettWorld! Teplé, měkké, voděodolné, 150m2 bez přechodových lišt, protizvukové. / Prestižní prémiové dřevěné parkety ParkettWorld s voděodolným povrchem! Děláme z podlah a parket schody, dveře, stoly atd. ve stejné barvě! / HORMANN dveře a zárubně nejlepší ceny! / Oficiální importér COREtec a VETEDY Česko, Slovensko a Maďarsko!

Lifetime guarantee for COREtec floors. What does it mean?


The manufacturer provides a lifetime guarantee for the floor in residential and domestic spaces. The customer therefore wants to choose decor for life. Because even with COREtec floors, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.



The lifetime guarantee means that you, as the first customer, can enjoy the properties of the COREtec floor without a time limit. COREtec composite vinyl flooring will be fully functional throughout your life.



You will not have any joints between the slats (you must observe a maximum of 4 mm per 2 bm unevenness of the base), the floor can withstand any liquids on the surface such as e.g. 100% wine, ketchup, juices, etc. The top layer, i.e. do not rub the top layer except for the decorative layer.





The 10-year warranty applies to commercial premises.



In commercial spaces there is an increased number of moving people and therefore the requirements for the floor are much greater than in residential spaces.




COREtec® floors are so good that someone else can enjoy them again.

At COREtec®, we attach great importance to sustainability. Recycling our multi-layer multi-component floor has a high energy cost, which means that a circular solution with re-use of the floor is more suitable. That's why we come up with an environmentally friendly solution: set Second Life floors based on endless reuse - an approach that is unique in our sector.
As the creators of multi-layer waterproof solid floors, we are the first manufacturer to set up a take-back service and give a used floor a new lease of life. This Second Life Floors will initially be offered to charities and youth organisations. Our new service also has a societal dimension, because the company that will take care of cleaning used floors employs people with complex obstacles to work. They will use specially developed environmentally friendly COREtec ® products to clean the dismantled floor, making the old floor look like new.
Thanks to Second Life Floors, your old floor will get a real second chance. And therefore you also contribute to a more sustainable world!

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